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2 тур 27 июля 2024, 21:00 (г. Воронеж)

стадион «Факел» г. Воронеж
  • 8. «Ахмат» Грозный 1
  • 9. «Химки» Химки 1
  • 10. «Динамо» Махачкала 1
  • 11. «ЦСКА» Москва 1
  • 12. «Акрон» Тольятти 0
  • 13. «Пари НН» Нижний Новгород 0
  • 14. «Факел» Воронеж 0
  • 15. «Спартак» Москва 0
  • 16. «Крылья Советов» Самара 0
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Kaleshin on an internship with Larionov in hockey “Torpedo” – how and why was it? The coach tells
In the new text of the blog on Sports.ru, the team's head coach Evgeny Kaleshin spoke about his observations after a trip to Nizhny Novgorod, where he completed an internship at Torpedo. Yes, yes, a football coach in the KHL club.
24 December 2022 в 20:32
Alexey Vlasov: “Now it’s important to work without looking at the standings”
The CEO of FC Akron gave a long interview to Metaratings.ru.
22 September 2022 в 10:30
AKRON HOLDING started reforming the Konoplev Academy
"Football Academy" Yury Konoplyov" changed its name to "Akron-Konoplyov Academy", and its new founder, AKRON HOLDING Group, launched the implementation of internal transformations in the structure - in the form of a change in leadership, updating the school's training block, developing and implementing a unified methodology for training players. In the near future, it is planned to expand the activities of the academy in the Samara region through the opening of new sports schools.
19 September 2022 в 08:45
Chris DOCHERTY: «The main priority is the local footballers»
Sport24 special correspondent Alexander Petrov visited Chris in Togliatti and brought back many interesting stories from there in a big interview. Let's go!
13 December 2021 в 18:11
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