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2 тур 27 июля 2024, 21:00 (г. Воронеж)

стадион «Факел» г. Воронеж
  • 8. «Ахмат» Грозный 1
  • 9. «Химки» Химки 1
  • 10. «Динамо» Махачкала 1
  • 11. «ЦСКА» Москва 1
  • 12. «Акрон» Тольятти 0
  • 13. «Пари НН» Нижний Новгород 0
  • 14. «Факел» Воронеж 0
  • 15. «Спартак» Москва 0
  • 16. «Крылья Советов» Самара 0

Club owner Pavel Morozov spoke about the situation in the club
2 March 2022 в 18:04

Foreign specialists are not ready to cooperate with the club because of the events in Ukraine.

Since the beginning of autumn, a lot of work has been done to attract foreign specialists to implement the club’s strategy aimed at achieving significant results and developing children’s and youth football in Togliatti and the Samara region.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond the control of the club and specialists, not related to football, further work with the club will not be able to continue: technical director Ramon Tribuletx, head of physical training Alejandro Segovia Vilchez, goalkeeping coach Matteo Zhugai, coaches Marko Djordjevic and Yagiz Chekem, and also technical director of the Academy Hugo Klingor.

We look forward to achieving peace as soon as possible.

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