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2 тур 27 июля 2024, 21:00 (г. Воронеж)

стадион «Факел» г. Воронеж
  • 8. «Ахмат» Грозный 1
  • 9. «Химки» Химки 1
  • 10. «Динамо» Махачкала 1
  • 11. «ЦСКА» Москва 1
  • 12. «Акрон» Тольятти 0
  • 13. «Пари НН» Нижний Новгород 0
  • 14. «Факел» Воронеж 0
  • 15. «Спартак» Москва 0
  • 16. «Крылья Советов» Самара 0

Akron extend contracts with two players
1 July 2022 в 23:49

Maxim Palienko and Konstantin Savichev will play for our team until the end of the 2023/24 season.

Both players joined Akron ahead of the start of the 2021/22 season. Maxim, who is a graduate of Togliatti football, has played 36 matches for the Red-and-Blacks in all tournaments, scoring three goals and six assists.

During the same period, Konstantin took part in 33 matches, in which he scored a goal against Neftekhimik and gave eight assists, becoming the team’s best assistant.

“The extension of contracts with team leaders is an integral part of strategic planning with an eye, including for the next season. We highly appreciate the contribution of Konstantin and Maxim, and we believe that together we will achieve our goals,” said Aram Zadoyan, sports director of FC Akron.

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