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2 тур 27 июля 2024, 21:00 (г. Воронеж)

стадион «Факел» г. Воронеж
  • 8. «Ахмат» Грозный 1
  • 9. «Химки» Химки 1
  • 10. «Динамо» Махачкала 1
  • 11. «ЦСКА» Москва 1
  • 12. «Акрон» Тольятти 0
  • 13. «Пари НН» Нижний Новгород 0
  • 14. «Факел» Воронеж 0
  • 15. «Спартак» Москва 0
  • 16. «Крылья Советов» Самара 0

Akron signed a student of the Konoplev Academy
14 November 2022 в 19:09

Nikita Krivoruchko signed his first professional contract with the club.

Central defender Nikita Krivoruchko (04/07/2005) was born in Orenburg and started playing football at the school of the local Gazovik. At the age of 11, Nikita moved to the Togliatti “Konoplev Academy”. The 17-year-old played 36 matches in the Youth Football League: in the 2021/22 season – 21 games in the YFL-2, in the season 2022/23 – 15 matches in the YFL-1. Nikita has been involved in the training process of the main team over the past month.

In Akron, Nikita Krivoruchko took the 17th number.

We welcome Nikita to our ranks and wish him success with Akron!

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